Your Life, Evolved.

Discover The 7 Keys To Unlocking Elevation


50+ MILLION YouTube Views

Our Mission: Help MILLIONS of People ELEVATE


Tired Of The Cycle?

Let's face it, we all get to a place in our lives where we plateau. You know, that glass ceiling we all dread. The truth is, the glass can be shattered however it can only be shattered by the next version of yourself. The cycle is broken by evolution. When you evolve, old paradigms are decimated and new one's emerge. It's time, to break the cycle.

Revelation Precedes Elevation

Ten times out of ten It's what you can't see, that's killing you. No one can go anywhere at anytime for any reason unless the way has been revealed. Whether you use your sight or insight, where you want to go must be disclosed. Once you're crystal clear about where you're going and how to get there, you're perfectly positioned to unlock elevation.

We Built This For YOU

Wisdom, empowerment and transformation all in one place. Most people would agree, the Internet can be overwhelming. Who wants to scour the web everyday searching for their next breakthrough? We created this transformational ecosystem for YOU. Available 24/7 across all devices. Beyond the content, YOU are our greatest asset. From the content and community, to the Brand Ambassador opportunity, ALL of it, is for YOU.


Mindset | Mentality

What is the distinguishing factor between someone who lives life by default and one who lives life by DESIGN? one thing: MINDSET. Inside The 7 Keys Course you'll discover that your LIFE is a direct print out of your mental state. You cannot live ABOVE the measure of your mental clarity and fortitude. Improving mental health starts with understanding what constitutes a healthy and elevated frame of mind. Together we will deliberately examine your social, emotional and psychological state and repair any and all  fractures in the lens through which you view the world. You'll be able to handle stress effectively and face challenges with courage, poise and unwavering inner resilience. It's time you think, feel and function from an elevated space.


Health | Weight Loss

Have you hit your target? If it's a "NO", Why not? It's simple: Your value system and priorities are out of order! You don't CARE enough to DO what is required to move from where you are to where you desire to be. Inside The 7 Keys Course and community, you'll discover a multiplicity of conditions (environmentally, socially, generationally, mentally etc) that have attributed to weight gain and hindered weight loss. Uncover the willpower, discipline and habits required to BREAK-THROUGH the barriers. Your life circumstances, stress, finances, time, genetics, and body image can all become barriers to healthy weight loss. The time is now to hit your health targets, lose the weight and keep it off!


Money | Influence

Wealth and Influence comes at a cost. It often time requires foregoing all other activities to invest in yourself and your business/product/service. To Spend your time doing things in order to learn, grow and become more valuable. In order to become more valuable, you've got to learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job. Inside the The 7 Keys Course, you'll get crystal clear on HOW to position yourself as an authority in your chosen niche. Learn the language of a forward-thinking, future-focused organization that attracts top performers as well as collaborations and partnerships. Learn to unlock your income, impact and influence. The time is now to uncover your gifts, talents abilities and offer them to the world. Gain the clarity and confidence to Do more. Give more. Serve more. Be more. On top of all that, you are rewarded generously when you share this course and community with others and they join and purcahse the course via your exclusive referral link. START NOW!



Carpe Diem is the Latin phrase for "Seize The Day."



What People Are Saying About Marcus

“Dynamic. Actionable. High-Energy.”


I'm a proud father, entrepreneur and UFC Ultimate Fighting Champion. Marcus is an absolute game changer! what he brings is sheer Greatness.

— Edward Gordon,

There were many days I cried, but the voice that was so empowering was Marcus'. His dynamic actionable on time messages hit a spot in my heart that began to resonate as I started self examining. Marcus' His high energy has uplifted and awakened life in me again. I believe again. Now I'm standing, running a race with a new melody and stronger faith. Thank you Marcus!

— Misty Smith, Founder of Selfless Expressions

I first met Marcus when his craft and dream were just forming in his head and heart. I saw ambition, genuineness, and a desire to use his God-given gifts to touch the lives of MILLIONS. I believe wholeheartedly in his message.

— Pete Evangelista, CEO of


"I wanted to jump, leap, laugh, cry. Goosebumps after listening to Marcus."- Yerassa & Shantel


The entire world needs to hear Marcus “Elevation” Taylor’s message. Of the dozens of authors I’ve read and motivational conferences attended, none have had the depth of emotion and the precision of his words that can be heard in Marcus’ voice. I first came across Marcus on Motiversity during a workout and was happy to find he had much more content that I continue to listen and relisten to.

— Justin Reed, CEO of Beachcliff Technologies

I've been following Marcus since his debut speech "THE GAME CHANGER" in 2020. I knew the day would come when all of the pain, all of the struggle, all of the perseverance, all of the sacrifice would explode with the residue landing on others. My life has never been the same since applying Marcus’ masterful speeches. He is a God-led, Word-fed, and Love-bred human being. The marketplace will soar to new heights as Marcus leads the way.

— Letia Nichols, President of Kingdom Age Productions

Marcus Taylor is one of the best speakers I've ever heard and had the pleasure to work with at Motiversity…and we listen to thousands of speakers every single year. His speeches are transformational, dynamic and inspiring. He has a rare gift that only a few people (like Tony Robbins) have of being able to get an audience excited while also providing real world strategies and techniques based on your WHY. In the past two years he has reached tens of MILLIONS of people with his powerful speeches on Motiversity, making him one of the most listened to speakers online.

— Joel Huculak, Founder and CEO of MOTIVERSITY

Ask Yourself, What Does The Future Look Like?

The Future is Unlocked with 7 Keys

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